Sketching Phase
Here is the initial sketch phase playing with the AR-15 as a base for a more futuristic Rifle look. the Green areas suggest How and where the Weapon is using the BIO powered energy source

In this Phase I added some base colors to selected designs from the sketching phase and presented how the rifle would be held by the given character

Design for For 3D Modeling
In this phase I starting designing different angles of the rifle to be used for the 3D modeling. Unfortunately this design did not continue into the 3D modeling Phase

Pistol Design
New designs, line work and color passes are added here for presenting several pistol designs to meet the art direction.

Line Work
Once a Pistol was selected for Modeling I created Line Work To Bring into 3D Max for modeling.

Modeling and Texturing
In this phase I modeled and textured the Pistol for final presentation.